Jul 20
Sikh Faith Explored
Prabhcharan (Prab) Gill, M.D., a professor and chair of obstetrics and gynecology, recently spoke with the Canton Repository about the Sikh faith, which he said, “is everything to me” and guides him to be an effective citizen. One tenet of the religion is that all people are created equal.
People have misconceptions about Sikhism, just as they do about other faiths, Dr. Gill told the newspaper.
Read the Canton Repository article about Sikhism.
Northeast Ohio Medical University’s Sikh Student Association is “a religious organization created to bring Sikhs and non-Sikhs together to promote awareness of the Sikh faith and practice Sikh values through involvement in the community and community service.” In March, the organization invited the NEOMED community to celebrate the Sikh New Year with Indian food, Punjabi dance performances, and more.