Policy Portal

University Policy

Good Standing

Policy Number: 3349-AC-259
Effective Date: June 1, 2021
Updated: June 1, 2021
Responsible Department: Academic Affairs
Applies To:

A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define what it means to be a student in Good Standing. It also provides academic and financial implications when a student is not in good standing.

B. Scope

This policy applies to all students enrolled in any degree or certificate Program at the University.

C. Definitions

    1. “Active” is the enrollment status recorded by the Office of the Registrar when a student is successfully progressing toward program completion without an Interruption of Education.
    2. “Enrollment” is after a student is accepted for admission and matriculates into a program, adhering to the program length, academic requirements, and financial responsibilities.
    3. “Good Academic Standing” is the phrase for describing a student with Active enrollment status who continues to meet the academic progression and professionalism requirements of their certificate or degree program.
    4. “Good Standing” is the term for describing a student who is eligible for continued enrollment at the University.
    5. “Good Financial Standing” is when a student is up to date with submission of all required documentation to the Office of Financial Aid and tuition and fees have been paid on time to the Bursar in the Accounting and Budget Department.
    6. “Interruptions of Education” is a temporary absence from school for extenuating personal, medical, or mandated reasons. All curricular interruptions must be reviewed and approved by the Dean of the respective college, the Senior Executive Director of Academic Affairs and Student Services, and/or the Committee on Academic and       Professional Progress (“CAPP”). All Interruptions of Education are handled on a case-by-case basis, and each student is reviewed individually based on the student’s circumstances. The University retains the authority to make decisions regarding enrollment/withdrawal on this basis.
      1. “Academic Suspension” is removal from an academic program by CAPP or the respective dean. All rights of due process in accordance with the University’s academic and university policy will be afforded the student. An Academic Suspension is recorded as part of the student’s permanent record and transcript.
      2. “Conduct Suspension” is removal from an academic program by the Student Conduct Officer for violations of criminal or behavioral conduct. All rights of due process in accordance with NEOMED academic and university policy will be afforded the student. A Conduct Suspension is recorded as part of the student’s permanent record and transcript.
      3. “Leave of Absence” (“LOA”) is a temporary curriculum interruption which must be reviewed and approved by the Dean of the respective college, the Senior Executive Director of Academic Affairs and Student Services, and/or the CAPP.
        1. “Academic, CAPP-mandated LOA” occurs when a student has been invited to a CAPP meeting for academic or professionalism reasons and CAPP mandates the temporary removal of the student from the curriculum. CAPP will determine the effective dates of the leave.
        2. “College-mandated LOA” occurs when a student poses a serious risk to self or others and the student’s presence on campus disrupts the ability of the institution to implement its programs and services. The Dean of the respective college or his/her designee, in consultation with the Care Team, may impose an interim College Mandated Leave of Absence until such time as the student’s safety can be verified, usually via a treating health care provider. Upon the return of the student to the curriculum, CAPP will decide the re-entry point to the curriculum in consultation with the college.
        3. Enrichment LOA” (“E-LOA”) are requested by a student for time away from the curriculum between academic years to pursue structured professional growth opportunities or another academic program at the University (e.g., field outside of current program, research). The deadline to request an E-LOA is February 1st of the year before the leave is to occur. E-LOAs are reviewed and approved by the CAPP chair of the respective college.
        4. “Medical LOA” (“M-LOA”) are requested by a student experiencing a health condition or a condition that impacts a student’s ability to participate in the curriculum. The condition may be anticipated or unanticipated but will require a leave from the curriculum. M-LOAs are reviewed and approved by the CAPP chair of the respective college.
        5. “Personal Hardship LOA” can be requested by students who experience an unexpected crisis (including a crisis of a family member) that impacts that student’s ability to participate in the curriculum. Personal Hardship LOAs are reviewed and approved by the CAPP chair of the respective college.
        6. “Short-Term LOA” is a temporary Interruption of Education when course assignments can be made up and progression for that semester continues towards completion. Students are expected to work directly with their course directors and dyad leaders to coordinate making up missed work during a Short-Term LOA. Short-Term LOAs are reviewed and approved by the CAPP chair of the respective college.
    7. “Petition to Return” or “PTR” is a formal request to return to the curriculum submitted by a student on a Leave of Absence.
    8. “Program Length” is the amount of time from matriculation to degree completion that a program defines as the expected duration in years to complete a degree program. In order to continue in the curriculum longer than the Program Length, permission is required by CAPP and an Exception to Academic Policy must be approved.
    9. “Records Hold” is a notification of restricted enrollment for cause. Types of records hold for cause include (further defined in the NEOMED Compass):
      1. “AR” – Accounts Receivable Hold
      2. “CP” – CAPP Attendee Hold
      3. “FA” – Financial Aid Hold
      4. “RH” – Registrar’s Hold
      5. “RM” – Remediation Pending Hold
      6. “VL” – The Village at NEOMED Hold, payment due
    10. Satisfactory Academic Progress” or “SAP” is the measurement of both quantitative and qualitative standards a student must meet to maintain eligibility for Title IV, Title VII, and University-based Financial Aid. There are three separate SAP standards:
      1. Maximum Timeframe
      2. Quantitative (pace of progression)
      3. Qualitative (grade-based)


  1. Good Standing with the University
    1. A student is considered to be in Good Standing with the University when
      enrolled in a program and progressing appropriately toward completion of
      their curriculum. All program curriculum and academic degree and
      certificate requirements are established by each College for which
      completion progress is monitored by the Office of the Registrar.
    2. To be considered a student in Good Standing, a student must be in
      compliance with the NEOMED Expectations for Student Conduct and
      Professional Commitment (Student Honor Code) and have one of the
      following enrollment statuses on record in the Office of the Registrar:

      1. Approved Deferred Matriculation
      2. Active (including approved short-term LOA and Probation)
      3. Approved Enrichment LOA
      4. Approved Petition to Return from LOA granted by CAPP
      5. Stop-Out (applies to College of Graduate Studies only)
    3. A student is no longer considered in Good Standing when one of the
      following occurs:

      1. Matriculation is canceled after acceptance
      2. Medical, College-mandated, or Personal Hardship LOA
      3. A Records Hold of AR, FA, or RH is placed on the student’s account
      4. Conduct Suspension
      5. Dismissal
      6. Administratively Withdrawn due to non-payment of tuition and
      7. Student-initiated Withdraw
  2. Other type of Standing within the University:
    Unless dismissed by CAPP, temporary loss of Good Academic Standing or Good
    Financial Standing does not affect a student’s overall Good University Standing.

    1. Good Academic Standing
      1. A student is considered to be in Good Academic Standing while:
        1. progressing towards program completion, according to the
          academic requirements of the College;
        2. meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements;
        3. maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 for any COGS degree or
          certificate program;
        4. on an approved Enrichment LOA; and
        5. eligible to remediate failed course(s)
      2. A student is no longer considered to be in Good Academic Standing while:
        1. On a CAPP-mandated LOA;
        2. on Academic Suspension;
        3. an Academic Probation plan exists (COGS only);
        4. a Student initiates and completes a University Withdraw; or
        5. dismissed by CAPP.
      3. Good Financial Standing
        1. A student is considered to be in Good Financial Standing while:
          1. tuition and fee payments are made on time;
          2. no outstanding tuition and fee balances due; and
          3. no Records Hold of AR, FA, or VL exists on the student’s
      4. A student is no longer considered in Good Financial Standing when:
        1. a Records Hold of AR, FA, or VL is placed on a student record;
        2. an outstanding tuition or fee balance exists; or
        3. required Financial Aid paperwork is overdue/missing.


Lisa Noland
Administrative Specialist
Phone: 330.325.6354
Email: lnoland@neomed.edu

Office of General Counsel

Northeast Ohio Medical University