Pathways for Medicine Students
The NEOMED College of Medicine and Department of Family and Community Medicine offers medicine students Integrated Pathway Programs, inclusive of four concentrations to choose from and individualize their medical school experience. Students can apply for family medicine, rural or urban medicine, and social justice concentrations.
Train students to practice socially responsible medicine and engage in patient advocacy
Provide equitable, fair, and inclusive care to all people
All pathway programs are designed as student-centered learning communities. Pathway students receive 1-on-1 advising and support, engage in small group learning, and train in diverse and underserved settings. Each pathway spans all four years of medical school, which provides students the opportunity to complete transformative and meaningful service projects. Plus, the Accelerated Family Medicine Track (AFMT) allows eligible students to complete medical school in three-years.
Explore The Pathway Programs
Pathways are designed to introduce medical students to health disparities in rural, urban or underserved settings that intersect with medical practice.
Rural Medical Education Pathway
Master rural health content, become an advocate for rural health and address rural primary care shortages.
Social Justice
Explore stigma, systemic injustice and social determinants of health, and how the power of language impacts the provision of care.
Urban Primary Care Pathway
Improve health care for underserved, marginalized, or otherwise socially disadvantaged urban patient populations.
The strengths of the Pathways include: providing resources to broaden our knowledge of how health care truly works in diverse and underserved communities. They do a great job presenting a socio-ecological perspective of medicine. Another strength is the amount of opportunities we are given specific to our personal and professional goals. From physician mentors, the conferences we can attend, to the advising we receive; The strengths are endless.
– M3 Pathway Student
- Learn in small groups with pathway peers and faculty
- Train in rural, urban or underserved settings
- Community-based service learning opportunities
- Seminars on rural, urban or social justice topics
- Third- and fourth-year clinical training options
- Individualized advising and mentorship
- A high level of student support
- Peer Ally and Leadership Support (PALS)
- Access to travel reimbursement and scholarships
I feel like the pathways provide an excellent learning community where I can be myself and where I can engage with students who similarly desire to serve in diverse and underserved settings.
– M3 Pathway Student